He is starting to recognize us, or at least the toys we are bringing. We walked around the grounds, again, and this time played with the toys outside. He seems to like the balls that make noise, and always makes sure he has all five in his possession.
We also played on the slide and laughed more and more with each trip down. Towards the end of our visit, he started to get a bit cranky, so we just walked with him and he nearly fell asleep in our arms. His caretaker said that it was just about time for lunch, which is always followed by a nap. We think he was ready for both!!
Upon walking into an Orthodox Church, you will notice that there are no pews, as members of the church stand at various Icons during the services. That leads me to the second distinction, there are no figures, but rather two-dimentional icons throughout. At these Icons, members light candles in represenation of their prayers.
There are differences in ideologies as well, but for sake of not deviating from the purpose of this blog, I digress...
We also experienced local favorites, like a well known chocolate store, traditional Russian cuisine, and shopping at local retail stores.
His caretaker brought with him the stuffed animal of a chocolate lab we gave him on Monday. He wasn't too sure of it then, but seems to like it now.
It didn't take him long to start stacking the blocks, and throwing the balls. Shelly spent some time chasing him around the room, trying to keep him out of things he wasn't supposed to be getting into.
About 10 minutes before our visit was over, he started to get sleepy, and wanted to be held. He found comfort in Shelly's arms and cuddled right up to her. As shown in the picture, he likes to suck on his fingers. Looks like we should start saving for braces!
Ken and Shelly, we are so excited for you, Dennis called us to give us the information and asked that we made sure to bring out the laptop to the cottage this weekend so he could see the latest pictures. He is also a very excited Grandpa. You both look so comfortable with him and he is beautiful cold or no cold. The kids keep talking about how much fun it will be to have him out at the lake. Anne says that "he is really, really cute" when do you need a babysitter? Hope your return trip goes well, hope to see you soon. The Mammels