Saturday, April 18, 2009
Day 6, and it's time to go home...
We just had a morning visit today, as we had a flight to catch, but it was an exciting one. We were taken on a tour of the orphanage and able to see where he spends his days, as well as meet his caretaker.
He is part of a group of 12 kids that are all of similar age. This group of kids eat, sleep, bathe, and play all together in one big room. The room is divided in half, with 12 cribs on one side, and a play area with small tables and chairs on the other where they eat and play. Everything in the room is neat and orderly. To keep everything straight, each kid has a number (his is 4), and that number corresponds to their own towel, washcloth, potty, closet, table, crib, etc. It is a really neat system, and probably one that the caretakers couldn't do without!
It was really amazing to watch him interact with his caretaker and the other kids in the room. You could tell that it was an environment that was familar and comfortable for him.
So, it isn't "goodbye," it's just "see you later."
Friday, April 17, 2009
Day 5
- Infectious Diseases
- Blood drawn (about 2 gallons worth!)
- Neurological work-up
- Oncology exam
- Cardiology (EKG)
- Pulmonology (chest x-ray)
- Psychology (save your punchlines...)
And the final results are that we are "healthy." And a little bit poorer since they don't take Aetna!
Then, it was off to the Notary to execute our final documents stating that we intend to adopt. These papers, along with our medical results, and a whole host of other documents yet to be completed, will be forwarded to a judge here in St. Petersburg for our trial at a later date.
We decided to pull the toys out one by one this time to see if he would remember what we had been bringing. As we guessed, he kept looking toward that familar bag of toys until all of them were displayed on the floor. Smart little guy!
Moments of play were interrupted with desire to be held and comforted from his cold. But it didn't take long for him to spot one of the toys and be right back in the mix.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Day 4
We did some walking and took turns carrying him around the outside of the building. When we put him down on the ground to walk, he holds each hand up in the air, and opens and closes his hands as to ask, "grab my hands." This must be the way he learned to walk with his caretakers.
We each grab a hand, and off we go. We only made it a few hundred meters (can you tell we've been here too long? Now I'm using the metric system!), and we would feel is grip lessen. That was our cue to pick him up as he was exhuasted from the walk. We knew that the tears were only seconds away. As soon as we picked him up, his fingers went in the mouth, and he was ready for quick nap.
During our break between visits, we took the subway into the city centre, where we had lunch, did some shopping in the open air market, and toured the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. This is a church with an amazing history.
It was commissioned by Russian Czar, Alexander III to memorialize the death of his father, Alexander II, who was killed on site in 1881 by a terrorist's bomb. It took 26 years to complete and was closed in the 1930's by Stalin's communist government, as many churches were during Soviet times.
It sustained damage over time, especially during WWII , including bomb attacks that left holes in the beautiful domes. During it's time of closure, it was used as a warehouse to store potatoes.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Day 3
He is starting to recognize us, or at least the toys we are bringing. We walked around the grounds, again, and this time played with the toys outside. He seems to like the balls that make noise, and always makes sure he has all five in his possession.
We also played on the slide and laughed more and more with each trip down. Towards the end of our visit, he started to get a bit cranky, so we just walked with him and he nearly fell asleep in our arms. His caretaker said that it was just about time for lunch, which is always followed by a nap. We think he was ready for both!!
Upon walking into an Orthodox Church, you will notice that there are no pews, as members of the church stand at various Icons during the services. That leads me to the second distinction, there are no figures, but rather two-dimentional icons throughout. At these Icons, members light candles in represenation of their prayers.
There are differences in ideologies as well, but for sake of not deviating from the purpose of this blog, I digress...
We also experienced local favorites, like a well known chocolate store, traditional Russian cuisine, and shopping at local retail stores.
His caretaker brought with him the stuffed animal of a chocolate lab we gave him on Monday. He wasn't too sure of it then, but seems to like it now.
It didn't take him long to start stacking the blocks, and throwing the balls. Shelly spent some time chasing him around the room, trying to keep him out of things he wasn't supposed to be getting into.
About 10 minutes before our visit was over, he started to get sleepy, and wanted to be held. He found comfort in Shelly's arms and cuddled right up to her. As shown in the picture, he likes to suck on his fingers. Looks like we should start saving for braces!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Day 2 (or so)
Our morning visit was back in the toy room, where we met on Monday. We played with the Clippo Hippo, and anything else he could get his hands on. We asked if we could give him some snacks that we brought from home, and were promptly told, "Neyt, neyt." The medical director really frowns on feeding the kids anything from the outside. Makes sense since, considering the number of visitors they have per day and no way to montior their intake. So, we stuck to playing with the toys.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Our First Meeting!
We will be back to see him in the morning and afternoon tomorrow. The orphanage is about 20 minutes from our hotel, or just a short subway ride, should we choose to go there on our own on our next trip. It is situated in the middle of an apartment complex, which seems to be a strange location. It is well protected, thought, as it is surround by gates.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Day 1
We started with a complementary buffet breakfast in our hotel. Quite an interesting buffet. Items found on the buffet included:
The subway system in St. Petersburg is quite interesting. First, it is REALLY deep underground. One escalator alone was about 200 ft long. Each station is really unique and ornate, mostly decorated with marble or granite and fancy chandaliers.
We exited the train an Nevsky prospeckt (the city's center) and headed off to one of the world's most famous collections of art, The Hermitage. During the tour of the museum, we both commented that it is impressive, but not THAT impressive. We later determined that we were at the wrong museum.
We hurried off to the correct museum, but came across a huge line, and a short time before closing time. Looks like The Hermitage will have to wait for another time.
We toured the colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral, which had spectacular views of the city, saw the Chuch of the Savior on Spilled Blood from a distance. Got lost going to dinner, and never found what we were looking for, so ended up in some English Pub. Someday we will brave the local cuisine, but afterall, it's only our first day...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
We finally made it...
After 11 hours in the air, we landed in St. Petersburg, tonight, a little after 5:00 pm local time. We have no plans tomorrow, so we will see just how adventurous we feel. I can't tell you how "disconnect" I feel not being able to read or understand what is happening around me.
Our hotel is nice, but our room is quite small. I would say that it closely resembles a cruise ship room. Tight quarters, but hopefully we won't spend a whole lot of time in here. Not just because of the limited space, but also because Russians like it VERY WARM indoors, and our room is no exception.
Friday, April 10, 2009
It's a long flight there, 8 hours to Amsterdam, then another 3 hours to St. Petersburg. With an arrival time of 5:30 PM, there will be just enough time to get a bite for dinner, unpack and head to bed.
Pictures and video coming soon!