Saturday, August 1, 2009


We weren't sure what to expect when we got to the orphanage. Would he remember us from 3 months ago? What would his reaction be? Well, we found out! He wanted nothing to do with us. I can just imagine what was going through his head. "Who are these people who are taking me away from playing with my friends outside today? If I throw a fit, I'm sure they will take me back to my group."

Despite repeated attempts to return with his group, we visited with him for about 2 hours. Most of the time either having a complete melt down, or on the verge. We think it may have been the hat that was the source of his frustration. Wouldn't you be frustrated if you had to wear one like that?

We finally got him settled down as we pushed him in a swing. He seemed to enjoy it, but started to get a little sleepy. Probably a combination of the gentle motion of swaying back and forth and the fit he threw an hour earlier. His caretaker said that he is pretty "strong-willed." We don't doubt her!

Our afternoon visit went much better. He cried a little when he first came into the room, but only lasted a minute. After that, we played with some Legos, blocks and some new toys that Shelly brought for him. He enjoyed building things and taking them apart. He was particularly interested in a pingpong ball, which he would lose from time to time, only to look around with his hands up, like, 'where did it go?'

It wasn't long before the orphanage director came to take him back to his group. As you can imagine, he didn't mind heading back to see all of his friends.

In the evening, we took the subway to dinner at an Italian resturant that we were unable to find on our last trip. Then, took the subway back to the hotel and retired for the evening.

We have Saturday and Sunday to do some sightseeing, then back to the orphanage on Monday morning before court at 2pm. We will have one last visit Tuesday morning before we depart. Let's hope that hat isn't around!

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