Today, marks an anniversary of sorts. It was one year ago, today, that we met Max for the first time in St. Petersburg. In some respects, it seems like yesterday that we were ushered into a small room in the orphanage and waited to see him for ourselves.
With emotions running high, we heard the cry of a child approaching behind the closed door of our room. Before we knew it, there he was.
He was skinny, and looked tired, possibly from the tantrum on the way to the room, or the cold he was fighting off. It didn't take him long to settle down, and take interest in the room full of toys.
Before we knew it, an hour had passed and he was off again, back to join his group.
Today, he is worlds away from his group, both physically and developmentally. He has grown in stature, personality, language, and learned what "home" and "family" mean. We couldn't be luckier to have him in our lives.

People always ask how Max is settling in, or adjusting to his new surroundings. The simple answer is, "great," but let me share a recent story with you.
This past week, Sharon, Max's nanny, was out taking Max for a walk. She stopped to talk to one of our neighbors who described Max as "an All-American boy." Sharon laughed, and proudly informed him of Max's background. Our neighbor was quite surprised.
Needless to say, it's like he's always been here...